Our attorneys have experience of working on inventions relating to gene-editing, personalized medicine, RNAi, stem cells and vaccine development.
We take into account the need to obtain global and layered protection, whilst guarding against a high likelihood of opposition. This is alongside technical considerations such as the patentability exceptions, dosage regimes, data and sufficiency issues and the interpretation of patent claims in overseas jurisdictions.
We work with all sizes of client in this area; from start-ups, to universities commercializing research via licensing or spin-out companies, through to multi-national corporations. We are therefore acutely aware of the commercial demands of all stages of bringing a product to market, whether that relates to cost constraints, or lifecycle management in a large portfolio.
Our attorneys draw on extensive experience of the biotechnology sector to assist you in putting commercially effective protection in place. We also deliver patent advice which is truly joined-up with SPC programmes and data exclusivity considerations.
We obtain Plant Variety Rights for clients in the agricultural sector. These rights fill the gaps where patents are not available, namely for specific plant varieties; often the products of ‘essentially biological’ crossbreeding processes. For European protection, these rights are filed at the Community Plant Variety Office. UK protection can also be obtained at the UK Plant Variety Rights Office.