We are experienced at handling IP disputes in various forums in the UK and Europe. We regularly represent our clients in disputes such as trade mark and patent oppositions at the UK Intellectual Property Office, the EU Intellectual Property Office and the European Patent Office.

In addition, we are skilled at handling litigation to enforce trade mark rights at the Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court and at the UK High Court. Our desire is always to avoid litigation, if possible, but in appropriate cases we can offer a cost-effective route for enforcing your IP rights. Our knowledge of litigation provides a useful experience over the entire IP lifecycle. This can be beneficial during the application process to ensure that defendable IP rights are created.

Normally, a piece of litigation does not exist in a vacuum; it interacts with a client’s portfolio of other IP rights. Our engagement with our clients allows us to take a proper overview of their strategy. Smart management of a client’s pending applications, with an eye on current or future litigation, often allows us to improve their position.

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